

Record to a single WinDaq File with Multiple compatible devices connected to the same USB controller (USB hubs recommended) or same Ethernet subnet (Ethernet switches recommended). USB and Ethernet devices cannot sync.



Compatibility Chart


  DI-4730 DI-2008 DI-2108-P DI-4108 DI-4208 DI-4718B


DI-4730, DI-4108, DI-4208, and DI-4718B

Maximum number of units: 16

Maximum channel count: 128 analog, 48 digital

Maximum supported throughput: 480 kHz or more

Synchronization conditions: All synced instruments must operate at the same sample rate per channel, regardless of channel number, type, or range.



Maximum number of units: 16

Maximum channel count: 128 analog, 48 digital

Synchronization conditions: If any synced device has two or more enabled analog channels, all synced devices must enable the same number of analog and digital channels. If all synced devices have one or zero enabled analog channels, sample rate per channel must be the same across all devices.

*One or more digital ports configured as a discrete input counts as one digital channel. Rate and count inputs count as one digital channel each.



Maximum number of units: 16

Maximum channel count: 128 analog, 48 digital

Maximum supported throughput: 480 kHz or more

Synchronization conditions: Same number of enabled channels per synced unit (type does not matter). Same sample throughput rate per synced unit.




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