Default view area command

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Allows you to constrict the view area to a specific size. Note that the data plotting process must be stopped to select this command.

When the XY plot is initially generated, it is displayed at the full scale resolution of your instruments A/D converter. If for example your XY plot only occupies one corner (i.e., the upper right quadrant) of the XY display area, the rest of the display area is wasted. With this command, you can constrict the display to show only the upper right quadrant (or any area) on the monitor, thus spreading the A/D converter resolution over only your area of interest, instead of over the entire viewing area.

When this command is selected, the Default View Window is displayed. In this dialog box you specify the minimum and maximum X and Y axis units. Close the dialog box by choosing the OK command button.

The Full Range command button allows you to revert back to the original, full scale A/D resolution of your instrument.