The status bar is displayed at the bottom of the WinDaq XY Viewer window.
The left end of the status bar displays a brief description of the command you are about to select from a pull-down menu or when you click a tool bar button. You can view the description of each tool bar button by placing the mouse pointer on the button and clicking and holding the left mouse button. If after viewing the description of the toolbar button you wish not to execute the command, release the mouse button while the pointer is off the toolbar button.
The right end of the status bar displays information about the data point at the data cursor (cross hair) position. The first field displays either the index (the position of the data point in the buffer) or the elapsed time from the first data point in the buffer. The middle field displays the X-axis value of the plot at the cross hair position. The rightmost field displays the Y-axis value of the plot at the cross hair position.
Note that you must stop the plotting process and choose the Use Index command from the View menu (or activate the toolbar button) to display data in these fields.