DataqSdk Control > Methods > GetDataEx |
Applies to: |
DATAQSDK Active X Control |
Description: |
This copies the acquired data into the buffer into an integer array as binary data. GetDataEx ensures waveform data continuity by passing a continuous stream of acquired data to your program. When using GetDataFrameEx to retrieve data, there are no guarantees that the returned information is gap-free or non-overlapping. Therefore, GetDataFrameEx is useful for returning a specified quantity of historical information. The data copied is aligned with the first channel. This data format cannot be used with LabView or Visual Studio.Net. Note: 1) Make sure you have enough data available before you copy it, using the AvailableData property. 2) Make sure the array allocated is large enough to store all the data requested. |
Syntax: |
DataqSdk1.GetDataEx(A(0),Count) (A(0) is a pointer to a 16-bit integer array; Count is the number of data points, not scans, that you are requesting (32,767 maximum)) |
Example: |
Dim A(10000) As Integer
Private Sub DataqSdk1_ NewData(ByVal Count As Integer) DataqSdk1.GetDataEx A(0), Count DQChart1. ChartEx A(0), 1, Count Label1.Caption = A(0) 'the next line of code converts the integer into volts - see Converting Counts to Volts Label2.Caption = Format((A(0) And -4) / 32768 * 10, "0.00") End Sub
Private Sub Start_Click() DataqSdk1. EventPoint = 20 DataqSdk1. Start End Sub
Private Sub Stop_Click() DataqSdk1. Stop End Sub |
* The digital inputs are embedded in the first channel of the data stream.