Step 4 Specify Sample Rate
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Step 4 Specify Sample Rate




The total sample throughput rate is the rate that your instrument acquires samples for all channels combined. For example, to acquire two channels of data at 100Hz each would require a sample throughput rate (total scanning rate) of 200Hz (2 channels × 100Hz = 200Hz). The Sample Rate must be specified before recording; default varies.



Specify a throughput sample rate:


  1. In the Edit menu click on Sample Rate.... This displays the sample rate dialog box:



  1. Enter the desired data throughput rate (or total scanning rate) in samples per second in the Sample Rate text box.


  1. Click OK or press the ENTER key.


WinDaq Acquisition automatically allocates the correct amount of buffer space when you input a sample rate. The Input Buffer Size and Disk Buffer Size values are displayed for informational purposes only.


Keep in mind that the sample rate is actually a throughput rate. The sample rate per channel (obtained by dividing the selected sample throughput rate by the number of channels enabled) is displayed in the lower left corner of the window as S/s/CHAN: (samples per second per channel).



Although thousands of different sample rates may be configured, some discrete rates are not attainable. This limitation is due to the inability to divide the master clock in a manner that results in an even-numbered quotient.


