Acquisition Triggering > Function
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Note: Ethernet (however, "ENB" or 3rd generation Ethernet products DO support triggered mode) and Serial Port products do not support Triggered Mode. DI-1xx, the DI-245, and DI-71x products do not support Triggered Mode. The RMS and Frequency Acquisition methods are not compatible with Triggered Mode.


Used to set acquisition triggering conditions (such as level, slope, and number of pre- and post-trigger data points) that define the “trigger” or starting point for data acquisition to disk. When recording is initiated, data acquisition to disk will begin only when the trigger (i.e., that point on the waveform that corresponds to the level and slope you specified) is detected.


This function should not be confused with the Oscilloscope Mode function. Although both deal with triggering, this function sets triggering conditions for acquiring data to disk. The Oscilloscope Mode function sets triggering conditions for displaying the waveform on your monitor (see also Display Mode Selection).

