Fast Start Guide Step 5

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Step 5 Making statistics measurements

Extract and save statistics in text format for a specified section of any single waveform or for all waveforms in a file. This is a quick and easy way to get just the data desired rather than looking at all the numbers from a complete file.



  1. Select a channel by clicking in the desired channel’s left/right annotation margin. If you did not select a channel, the Open Statistics File dialog box will open allowing you to save the statistics for all channels in a spreadsheet or text format.


  1. Position the cursor at the beginning of the desired range.


  1. Press F4 or select Enable Time Marker in the Options menu. This will place a check mark next to Enable Time Marker in the Options menu and will also show an increment of time in the bottom annotation line by the Time Marker (TM). When initially enabled it will show “.000 SEC(TM).” When disabled it will read “off SEC(TM).” See Select Marker Display to change the format. See also Time Marker.




  1. Position the cursor at the end of the desired range. In the View menu click on Statistics. If a channel has not been selected, the Open Statistics File dialog box will open allowing you to save all statistics for all channels to a text or spreadsheet file. If a channel has been selected, the Statistics window opens.



The Statistics window will display the statistics for the currently selected channel including significant engineering units, channel number, the number of samples the statistics are derived from, and the file name, as well as the mean, deviation, minimum, slope, area, and position in the file. Statistics will work with any level of compression—even fully compressed.


Use the Next and Previous buttons to view other channels in the file.


Use the To Clipboard button to save the current statistics window to the Windows clipboard. This data can then be “pasted” (CTRL + v) into a file.


Use the Open New File... button to save data to file (if you select a channel it will save only that channel—if you do not select a channel it will save ALL channels’ data). Save data in spreadsheet format (with comma delimiters) or text format.


Use the Write to File... button allows you append an existing file.

