Channels may be displayed overlapped or non-overlapped. Only 16 channel strips may be displayed at a time.
the View menu click on Format
Screen. In the format
click the desired display format.
View Format Screen (ALT, V, F).
In the format
select the desired display format (with ↓ or keystrokes). Press
It is possible to display a format design other than the standard display formats listed. For example, suppose you wanted to monitor three waveforms on the screen. Your best choice among the standard display formats capable of displaying at least three waveforms is the four waveform format. However, the fourth displayed waveform would be blank. It would simply occupy screen space without conveying any useful information. The tool used to devote the entire screen to the exact number of waveforms you wish to monitor is called the User-specified format option. To use the User-specified format option:
the View menu click on Format
Screen. In the format
click User-specified format….
View Format Screen (ALT, V, F).
In the format
select User-specified format…
(↓ or keystrokes). Press ENTER.
This displays the User-specified dialog box as follows:
To specify a non-standard format:
the desired number of channels to be displayed (up to 32 overlapped),
and click OK. You also have the option of overlapping the specified number
of waveforms. To overlap the waveforms, click the Overlapped check box.
An X appears in the box indicating an overlapped
format. A subsequent click removes the X, indicating a non-overlapped
the desired number of channels to be displayed (up to 32 overlapped),
and press ENTER. You also have the option of overlapping the specified
number of waveforms. To overlap the waveforms, press the TAB key until
a dotted box appears around Overlapped, then press the space bar. An X
appears in the Overlapped check box indicating an overlapped
format. A second press of the space bar removes the X, indicating a non-overlapped