This function instantly moves the display screen to the position of the file occupied by the time marker (see Time Marker for complete time marker details). When at the position of the time marker, you can instantly move back to the position in the file where the jump to time marker occurred. To go to the time marker position:
the Search menu click on Go to TM Position. This moves the display
to show the previously enabled time marker on the screen. If the data
cursor is enabled for display, it will overlay the time marker on the
screen. Clicking on Go to TM Position a second time moves the display
back to the original position.
Search Go to TM Position (ALT,
S, G).
This also moves the display so the cursor overlays the previously enabled
time marker. Choosing Search Go to TM Position a second time moves the
display back to the original position. Note that the gray slash key (“/”)
also moves the display so the cursor overlays the previously enabled time
marker. Successively pressing this key toggles the display between time
marker and origin.