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Documentation Conventions

Before you start using the WinDaq Waveform Browser, it’s important to understand the terms and notational conventions used in this documentation.


General Conventions



Keyboard icon

Mouse icon


Mouse Conventions

In general, most WinDaq Waveform Browser mouse actions require only the left mouse button. For example, selecting a command from a menu or working in a dialog box requires only the left mouse button. However, the right mouse button is not totally neglected. Among other things, the right mouse button is used for waveform scaling, selecting a waveform channel, centering the cursor on the screen, and moving the horizontal crosshair on a spectrum plot (when using FFT analysis).


Since the majority of mouse procedures are done with the left mouse button, we will not specify which mouse button to click, drag, or double-click with in the procedures unless it is the right mouse button. When the right mouse button is required, it will be specified as such. For example, “Double-click the right mouse button anywhere in the bottom annotation line to move the cursor to the lowest displayed waveform valley.” When not specified, the left mouse button is assumed for the procedure.






Keyboard Conventions




