General Information > Moving and Selecting

in a Dialog Box

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Moving and Selecting in a Dialog Box

  The following illustration shows how to use the mouse to move around and select options in a dialog box:




You can also use the following mouse techniques to move and select in a dialog box:





  The following illustration shows how to use the keyboard to move around and select options in a dialog box:



You can also use the following keys to move around and select options in a dialog box:


Key to Press



Move to the next or previous list box, text box, checkbox, command button, or group of option buttons.

Arrow keys (↑, ↓, ←, →)

Select among active group of option buttons.


Turn an active checkbox on/off, or choose the active command button.

The key for the first letter of an item.

Move directly to the first item in an active list box starting with a specific letter and select that item.

