DataqSdk Control > Properties > AvailableData |
Applies to: |
DATAQSDK Active X Control |
Description: |
This function reports how many available new data points have been written to the buffer since the last time data was retrieved using GetData. This property can be used instead of EventPoint which may be necessary with older programming languages (i.e., languages that do not respond to Active X events) by calling a subroutine when AvailableData reaches a certain value (see also the example in the trigger properties). |
Syntax: |
variable=DataqSdk1.AvailableData (outputs number of data points available to variable) |
Variable: |
Example: |
Private Sub Start_Click() DataqSdk1. EventPoint = 20 DataqSdk1. Start End Sub
Private Sub Stop_Click() DataqSdk1. Stop End Sub
Private Sub DataqSdk1_ NewData(ByVal Count As Integer) 'outputs the number of data points available Label1.Caption = DataqSdk1.AvailableData DQChart1. Chart (DataqSdk1. GetData) End Sub |