DataqSdk Control > Properties > BurstCounter |
Applies to: |
DATAQSDK Active X Control |
Description: |
Use this only if you want to use BurstCounter and ADCounter properties to fine-tune the sample rate. Once you modify this value in your program, the SampleRate will be overwritten by BurstCounter and ADCounter according to the following formula:
Sample Rate per Channel is the SampleRate Property. DSP Frequency is dependent upon the hardware you are using. Refer the the table DSP Frequency in the Reference Materials of these Help Files to determine the DSP Frequency of your instrument. B is the BurstCounter Property. BurstCounter must always be 1 for DI-150/151/154/190/194/195 Instruments. C is the ADCounter Property. L is the ADChannelCount Property. When SampleRate and MaxBurstRate are set in your program, DataqSdk sets ADCounter and BurstCounter. If you set ADCounter and BurstCounter, it overwrites SampleRate based on the formula above. Use either SampleRate and MaxBurstRate ORADCounter and BurstCounter. |
Syntax: |
DataqSdk1.BurstCounter=variable (sets Burst Counter to variable) |
Variable: |
Example: |
Private Sub DataqSdk1_ NewData(ByVal Count As Integer) DQChart1. Chart (DataqSdk1. GetData) End Sub
Private Sub Start_Click() DataqSdk1. ADChannelCount = 1 DataqSdk1. EventPoint = 20 DataqSdk1.BurstCounter = 1000 DataqSdk1. ADCounter = 19 DataqSdk1. Start 'actual sample rate will be 800 Label1.Caption = Format(DataqSdk1. SampleRate,"0.00") End Sub
Private Sub Stop_Click() DataqSdk1. Stop End Sub |