DataqSdk Control > Properties > TrigScnChnIdx

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Applies to:

DATAQSDK Active X Control


When triggering occurs, the hardware device starts sending data to the buffer. The hardware device is still sampling data when triggering is off - it is simply not storing it in the buffer.

TrigScnChnIdx allows you to specify a trigger channel (0 for the first channel). For example, if the channels in your ChannelList are 0, 5, 8, 10, 11 and 20, and you set TrigScnChnIdx at 3, 10 would be your trigger channel. If you specified TrigScnChnIdx 5, then 20 would be your trigger channel. The default value is 0 (i.e., the first channel in the ChannelList).

This property is not available when using DI-145, DI-149, DI-155, DI-194, DI-154, DI-195B, DI-148, DI-158, DI-245, DI-1100, DI-1110, DI-1120, DI-2008, DI-2108, DI-2108-P, DI-4108, DI-4208, DI-4718B, and all DI-71x series devices.






Private Sub Start_Click()

With DataqSdk1

     . ADChannelCount = 1

     . SampleRate = Val(Text1.Text)

     . TrigLevel = 11469

     'sets the first channel as the trigger channel - same as default

     .TrigScnChnIdx = 0

     . TrigHysteresisIdx = Hysteresis15

     . TrigMode = AnalogSlopeTrigger

     . TrigSlope = SlopePositive

     . TrigPreLength = 100

     . TrigPostLength = DQChart1. Xmax - 100

End With

DataqSdk1. Start

Text1.Text = Format(DataqSdk1. SampleRate, "0.00")

End Sub


Private Sub Stop_Click()

DataqSdk1. Stop

End Sub


Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

If DataqSdk1. AvailableData >= DQChart1. Xmax Then

     DQChart1. Chart (DataqSdk1. GetData)

     DataqSdk1. Start

End If

End Sub


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