WinDaq Control > Methods > GetScaledData

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Applies to:

WINDAQ Active X Control


Returns the latest single reading of a specified channel in calibrated engineering units (i.e, volts, psi, or whatever units as specified in the WinDaq Acquisition software).

The channel is the logical channel in the index on the channel list, not the physical channel. For example, if the channel list is 1, 5, 8, 9, 10, and you want the latest scaled reading of channel 8, you would set the channel argument of GetScaledData to 2. If you want the latest scaled reading of channel 1, you would set the channel argument of GetScaledData to 0.

To get the latest reading in binary format use GetBinaryData.


variable=WinDaq.GetScaledData(Channel) (where Channel is the logical channel in the index on the channel list)




Private Sub Stop_Click()

WinDaq1. Stop

End Sub


Private Sub Start_Click()

WinDaq1. EventLevel = 10

WinDaq1. Start

End Sub


Private Sub WinDaq1_ NewData(ByVal Count As Integer)

DQChart1. Chart (WinDaq1. GetDataStream(FormatBinary))

'this gets information associated with the first channel

Label1.Caption = "The latest reading in scaled engineering units is " & Format(WinDaq1.GetScaledData(0), "0.00")

End Sub


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