WinDaq Control > Methods > GetPhysicalChannel |
Applies to: |
WINDAQ Active X Control |
Description: |
Returns the physical channel (as labelled on your hardware device) for the logical channel you specify. For example, if the enabled channels are 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, the logical channels are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Physical channel 1, would be logical channel 0, physical channel 3 would be logical channel 1, etc. |
Syntax: |
variable=WinDaq1.GetPhysicalChannel(Channel) (where Channel is the logical channel in the index on the channel list) |
Variable: |
Example: |
Private Sub Stop_Click() WinDaq1. Stop End Sub
Private Sub Start_Click() WinDaq1. EventLevel = 10 WinDaq1. Start End Sub
Private Sub WinDaq1_ NewData(ByVal Count As Integer) DQChart1. Chart (WinDaq1. GetDataStream(FormatBinary)) 'this gets information associated with the first channel Label1.Caption = "The channel as labelled on your hardware device is " & WinDaq1.GetPhysicalChannel(0) End Sub |