DataqFile Controls > WriteDataqFile > Methods > SaveDataEx

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Writes data to the file specified in the FileName property. Takes a 16-bit integer array as input.

The first parameter is the pointer to the 16-bit integer array.

The second parameter is the number of data points in the array to save.

This data format cannot be used with LabView or Visual Studio.Net.


1) Make sure you have enough data available before you copy it.

2) Make sure the array allocated is large enough to store all the data requested.


WriteDataqFile1.SaveDataEx A(0), Count (where A(0) is the 16-bit integer array and Count is the number of data points to copy to the array)


Dim ChannelList(32) As Integer

Dim A(10000) As Integer


Private Sub Form_Load()

ChannelList(0) = 0

ChannelList(1) = 7

End Sub


Private Sub DataqSdk1_ NewData(ByVal Count As Integer)

DataqSdk1. GetDataEx A(0), Count

WriteDataqFile1.SaveDataEx A(0), Count

End Sub


Private Sub Start_Click()

DataqSdk1. ADChannelCount = 2

DataqSdk1. EventPoint = 20

DataqSdk1. SampleRate = 1000

DataqSdk1. ADChannelList (ChannelList)

WriteDataqFile1. ChannelCount = 2

DataqSdk1. Start

WriteDataqFile1. Open

End Sub


Private Sub Stop_Click()

DataqSdk1. Stop

WriteDataqFile1. Close

End Sub


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