Enables/disables the ability to close a full file and display the dialog box required to open another new file. For example, say you are acquiring data and the file becomes full much sooner than you anticipated, yet you still need more data. If this preference is disabled, you would have to close this full file and then select the Open command from the File menu to name and open a new file, thus continuing the acquisition session. If this preference is enabled, you bypass the need to close the full file and select File Open. The File Open dialog box is automatically displayed for you, conveniently allowing you to enter a new file name.
If this preference is enabled and if the old or full filename (excluding file extension) consists of just alpha characters (e.g., WEASEL.WDQ), the File Name text box of the Open dialog box is highlighted, enabling you to immediately enter a new file name.
If the old filename (excluding extension) ended in numeric digits (e.g., WEASEL1.WDQ), the numeric portion is automatically incremented (e.g., WEASEL2.WDQ) and highlighted in the File Name text box of the Open dialog box suggesting the default new name. This feature allows you to acquire data to a series of sequentially-named files. If the numeric suffix of the old name is all nines (e.g., WEAS9999.WDQ), no specific next name is suggested.
Enable/Disable open new file on full.
the Preferences sub-menu click
on Open New File on Full.
Edit Preferences Open New File on Full (ALT, E, P, O).
When the Open New File on Full Preference is enabled, a check mark is displayed on the Edit Preferences submenu immediately preceding the Open New File on Full command.