Remote Control > Activating Procedure
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Activating Procedure

Remote triggering of event markers


To remotely trigger event markers, your TTL level signal or switch must be connected across the digital input pin for remote events (see the table in Function to determine location) and the digital ground (or POWER GND). When properly connected, event markers can be remotely triggered on the rising or falling edge of the trigger signal.



To generate an event marker on low-to-high transitions (rising edge) of the digital input:


 In the Options menu click on Remote Events +.


  Choose Remote Events + (ALT, O, +).


To generate an event marker on high-to-low transitions (falling edge) of the digital input:


 In the Options menu click on Remote Events -.


  Choose Remote Events - (ALT, O, -).


Event markers may be enabled either locally by choosing the appropriate command from the Edit menu (see Event Marker for details related to manual triggering of event markers), or remotely through a switch closure or TTL signal. When event markers are generated remotely, it is not possible to enable them locally. Nor are comments possible when recording with remotely triggered event markers.



Remote triggering of data storage to disk


To remotely trigger data storage to disk, your TTL level signal or switch must be connected across the digital input pin for Remote Start/Stop (see the table in Function to determine location) and the digital ground (or POWER GND), and you must choose either Remote Storage 1 or Remote Storage 0 (see below) before entering the RECORD operating mode. You must be in the RECORD operating mode because the state of the signal on the digital input determines whether data acquisition to disk is enabled or disabled. All digital inputs are held high via pull-up resistors. The Remote Start/Stop port must be taken low to disable data storage. When properly connected, data storage to disk can be remotely enabled/disabled on all high or low levels of the trigger signal.



Note: Be sure to check Options > Remote Storage if connecting the Remote Start/Stop input to a signal that goes low.


To enable data storage to disk when the digital input goes high (while in the RECORD operating mode):


 In the Options menu click on Remote Storage 1.


  Choose Remote Storage 1 (ALT, O, 1).


To enable data storage to disk when the digital input goes low (while in the RECORD operating mode):


 In the Options menu click on Remote Storage 0.


  Choose Remote Storage 0 (ALT, O, 0).


Note: Unlike the event trigger signal which is edge sensitive, the disk storage trigger signal is level sensitive. When remotely storing data to disk, manual event marker generation is disabled.

