section explains the mouse operations used with the WinDaq Waveform Browser.
The mouse button behavior depends on which part of the client area the
mouse pointer is in.
Scrolling through the Data File with the Mouse Wheel
Select any channel and use the mouse wheel to scroll through the data file. Scroll the mouse wheel up to move forward in time. Scroll down to move backwards in time.
Click in scroll bar thumb and drag with left button down to select file position, using live time display in TBF, TM, and %EOF fields if enabled on Options Menu.
Click left button on scroll bar arrow to scroll waveform by 16 pixels, or hold button down to repeat until beginning or end of file is reached. To scroll by less than 16 pixels, click left button in bottom annotation line and drag data cursor onto point you want in center of screen, release button, and with Scroll Lock on, press the gray star key on the numeric keypad to center data cursor and waveform.
Click left button to left or right of scroll bar thumb to move one screen toward beginning or end of file, or hold button down to repeat until thumb reaches mouse pointer.
Click left button to move data cursor to horizontal mouse position, or to make data cursor disappear if already located at mouse position.
Drag with left button to move data cursor to desired position, with live data display. The mouse may be moved into the graphics area after pressing button in bottom annotation line.
Double click left button to move data cursor to highest peak within horizontal limits of selection rectangle, or entire screen if no waveform selection rectangle.
Click right button to center data cursor on screen.
Double click right button to move data cursor to lowest valley within horizontal limits of selection rectangle, or entire screen if no waveform selection rectangle.
Click left button in unselected channel to select it, or in selected channel to grow the waveform between vertical selection rectangle limits to strip size, or to double its vertical size if no selection rectangle.
Click right button in selected channel to shrink waveform in strip into vertical limits of selection rectangle, or to halve its vertical size if no selection rectangle.
Press right button in an unselected channel to start a graphic selection for use by the Edit Copy or File Print commands. A rectangle is drawn in the inverse of the background color.
Left and right buttons work as they do in the left margin, but they affect the secondary waveform in the strip in overlapped screen formats.
Press and drag left button to form a selection rectangle, which remains fixed in size when the button is released.
Move pointer inside selection rectangle, press left button again and drag to offset waveform vertically by the amount the rectangle is dragged, or move the pointer into the margins or bottom line for other operations using selection rectangle.
Click left button outside the selection rectangle to clear it without doing any scaling.
Press right button to start a graphic selection for use by the Edit Copy or File Print commands. A rectangle is drawn in the inverse of the background color instead of the color of a selected waveform.
Left button clears the selection rectangle.
Press right button to start a graphic selection for use by the Edit Copy or File Print commands. A rectangle is drawn in the inverse of the background color instead of the color of a selected waveform.
The split bar is below the left end of the bottom annotation line, and the cursor changes shape when it moves into this area. Drag vertically to a new position to adjust the split between the top and bottom panes.
Left button moves vertical crosshair to pointer or drags vertical crosshair to select frequency for display in F3 field. The horizontal crosshair follows the plot and the F4 field displays decibels or magnitude. After releasing the left button, Shift+F4 will rescale the decibel plot to place the horizontal crosshair at the top and use it as the 0 dB reference.
Press right button to start a graphic selection for use by the Edit Copy or File Print commands. A rectangle is drawn in the inverse of the background color.
Left button moves horizontal crosshair to pointer or drags it, updating the decibel or magnitude display in F4 field. After releasing the left button, Shift+F4 will rescale the decibel plot to place the selected value at the top and use it as the 0 dB reference.
Press right button to start a graphic selection for use by the Edit Copy or File Print commands. A rectangle is drawn in the inverse of the background color.
Left button moves vertical and horizontal crosshairs to mouse pointer or drags it. Double clicking left moves the pointer and selects the X-Y Area command.
Press right button to start a graphic selection for use by the Edit Copy or File Print commands. A rectangle is drawn in the inverse of the background color.