See the notes at the bottom of this page for important information regarding files saved using WinDaq/Pro+ and files saved to SD/MMC memory using a stand-alone data logger.
1. Click on the Start Button. This opens the WINDAQ-XL dialog box.
2. Click on the Device Settings tab and select "WinDaq Waveform Browser." WinDaq Waveform Browser must NOT be open.
*Note: The WinDaq Waveform Browser must be activated from WinDaq/XL. The communications link between the browser and WinDaq/XL is properly handled only if the browser is activated through Excel. When you select the browser option, the open dialog box will always default to the WinDaq/XL folder. If you have other folders that contain WinDaq files that you will be linking to Excel, it is advised to place a shortcut to each folder in the WinDaq/XL default folder to make the process of navigating to them much easier.
3. There are two ways to import data into Excel from WinDaq Waveform Browser:
a. Import Data Between Time Marker and Cursor. If you would like to import data this way, place a checkmark in the Import Data Between Time Marker and Cursor check box.
Check the Enable Relative Time Stamp check box to add a column of time stamps in your spreadsheet. The Data returned in this column is the time in seconds from the beginning of the data file (rounded to thousandths of a second).
The Rows to Fill text box will disappear (as the number of rows that will be filled in Excel will be determined by the number of samples between the cursor and the time marker).
The Starting Cell box lets you choose which cell to begin importing data to. The input needs to be entered as a letter (A-M) followed by a number (1-100). The maximum column is the letter M, and the maximum row is 100.
If you would like to save these settings for the next time you use WinDaq/XL, put a checkmark in the Save Settings checkbox.
Once you have finished entering the desired information for your application, press the Start button to execute the program.
From the Browser, set the time marker by pressing F4 at the desired starting point (cursor location). Browsing the WWB file to the right or the left will add (right) or remove (left) data into/from the data sheet. When the cursor passes to the left of the time marker, all data is removed from the spreadsheet. See Time Marker Function in the WWB Help File for more details regarding the time marker.
b. Set a specific number of samples you want to import after the cursor. If you would like to import data this way, remove the checkmark in the Import Data Between Time Marker and Cursor check box.
The Starting Cell box lets you choose which cell in Excel you want the waveform data to begin to fill. The input needs to be entered as a letter (A-M) followed by a number (1-100). The maximum column is the letter M, and the maximum row is 100.
The Rows to Fill box lets you choose the total number of rows that you want data to flow into Excel.
If you would like to save these settings for the next time you use WinDaq/XL, put a checkmark in the Save Settings checkbox.
Once you have finished entering the desired information for your application, press the Start button to execute the program. As you move your cursor in the Browser window, you will move the defined span of data imported to Excel.
Data is entered into the Excel spreadsheet in the order the instrument reports data to your PC. Each column in Excel represents a channel recorded in the WinDaq Waveform Browser and is entered into the spreadsheet in succession. For example, if there are 16 channels in the file and the Starting Cell box is A2 (column A, channel 2), the data for channel 1 is in column A, the data for channel 2 is in column B, etc. This is completely independent of the data display. For example, if channel 7 is displayed in window 1, the channel 7 data will still stream to column G and the column 1 data will be in column A. The first cell for each channel displays the significant engineering units that channel was calibrated for. See Calibration in the WinDaq Acquisition Help File for more information.
WinDaq/Pro+ Note: WinDaq/Pro+ files cannot be ported to WinDaq/XL. The data can be converted in WinDaq Waveform Browser. Click File > Save As.... Choose option 2) Binary (with CODAS header) and enter a file name with .wdq as the extension. Once the file has been converted and saved in the .wdq file format the data can be ported to WinDaq/XL.
WWB for MMC Note: WinDaq Waveform Browser for MMC files (.wdc - files saved to SD or MMC flash memory using a stand-alone data logger) cannot be ported to WinDaq/XL. To convert the data file from a .wdc format to a .wdq format open the file in the WinDaq Waveform Browser for MMC program. Click File > Save As.... Choose option 2) Binary (with CODAS header) and enter a file name with .wdq as the extension. Once the file has been converted and saved in the .wdq file format the data can be ported to WinDaq/XL.