Trigger Options

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Trigger Options

Check the Enable Triggered Import checkbox to enable trigger options. The Enable Triggered Import check box is disabled when porting data from WinDaq Playback software. Triggering is not available in High Speed or Single Step import modes.



Enable Auto Re-Arm

To enable Auto Re-Arm check the Enable Auto Re-Arm checkbox. WinDaq/XL will stop porting data once it has filled the number of user defined rows (set in the Import Options tab). If Enable Auto Re-Arm is checked it will continue to monitor WinDaq Acquisition for another trigger. Each trigger encountered will append the spreadsheet with the newly acquired data. Upon filling a spreadsheet (usually 64000 rows), WinDaq/XL will place the old data on a new spreadsheet while continuing to monitor and port data to the current spreadsheet. To stop WinDaq/XL using this option you must press the STOP button in the Triggered Recording pop up window (see below).


Set Trigger Conditions

1. Use the drop down items and Trigger Value text box in the Trigger Values section to enter the values under which data will be ported to Excel. Up to four conditions may be set. The Channel drop down allows you to choose a channel. All enabled channels available for the device chosen in the Device Settings tab will be shown in the drop down. Select "ANY" to search for a matching trigger value on all enabled channels.




2. Select an Operator from the drop down. Possibilities include = (equals), < (less than), > (greater than), <= (less than or equal to), >= (greater than or equal to).




3. Enter a Trigger Value in the Trigger Value text box. The Trigger Value entered should be in calibrated engineering units (i.e., if the channel selected is calibrated for °C enter a value in °C).



4. Boolean Conditions (AND/OR) may be specified using the drop down on the right hand side of the Trigger Option dialog.



Select AND to enter multiple conditions. When no operator is specified it is treated as if OR was selected. There are three possible drop downs (immediately to the right of the first three Trigger Values).



Possible permutations include:

No AND selected: Up to four conditions may be entered - all are treated as an OR condition.

First drop down = AND: The first two conditions MUST be met for trigger. Trigger values 3 and 4 (if entered) will be treated as OR.

First and second drop down = AND: The first three conditions MUST be met for trigger. Trigger value 4 (if entered) will be treated as OR.

All Three drop downs = AND: All four conditions MUST be met for trigger.


If an OR condition is met WinDaq/XL will highlight the cell in yellow upon which the trigger occurred. If an AND condition is met WinDaq/XL will highlight the row in orange upon which the trigger conditioned occurred. When using Auto Re-Arm each trigger will be highlighted in the spreadsheet.


an OR condition... AND condition



Import the Data

After all the Trigger Conditions have been entered, click on the Start Import button. WinDaq/XL will begin monitoring WinDaq Acquisition for trigger conditions.



Once the Trigger conditions have been met, the data will be imported into the Excel spreadsheet. The amount of data ported can be set in the Import Options tab. If Enable Auto Re-Arm is checked and the data has been ported to Excel, WinDaq/XL will automatically begin searching for the same trigger conditions. Once the trigger conditions are met again, new data will be ported to Excel appending the current spreadsheet. This will continue until the STOP button is pressed.


Click on the STOP button to stop monitoring WinDaq Acquisition for trigger conditions at any time.

