Go to Time

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Go to Time

Click Tools > Goto Time to jump to a specific date and time in the waveform files.

Use the calendar date drop down on the left of the dialog box to open a calendar allowing you to select the date.

Only the dates available in the waveform files will be available in the calendar. Click on the date to select it. You may also select each segment of the date (month/day/year) to manually input the desired date.

Use the time up and down arrows on the right of the Goto Time dialog box to select the time you would like to go to. Only the times available in the waveform files will be available in the arrows. You may also select each segment of the time (HH:MM:SS:XM) to manually input the desired time.

Note: Goto Time is only accurate to the second. If sampling at high sample rates you may have to scroll to find the specific data sample you are looking for (for high sample rates this could be a few screen widths or more.

