WinDaq Control > Methods > DigitalInput |
Applies to: |
WINDAQ Active X Control |
Description: |
This is an immediate function that reads a word from the digital input port which defines the states of the bits on the 8- or 16- bit digital input port, depending upon the capabilities of your hardware. The value read from the digital input port can range from 0 to 255, for 8-bit ports or 0 to 32,767 for 16-bit digital ports. See also Digital In and Out Locations for more details. This method cannot be used with USB or Ethernet devices. |
Syntax: |
WinDaq1.DigitalInput=variable |
Variable: |
Example: |
Private Sub Stop_Click() WinDaq1. Stop End Sub
Private Sub Start_Click() WinDaq1. EventLevel = 10 WinDaq1. Start End Sub
Private Sub WinDaq1_ NewData(ByVal Count As Integer) 'reads the digital input Label1.Caption = WinDaq1.DigitalInput DQChart1. Chart (WinDaq1. GetDataStream(FormatBinary)) End Sub |