This format annotates the number of samples (or individual data points) in the section of waveform bounded by the cursor and time marker. To display the number of data samples in the marker display field:
the Options menu click on Select Marker Display. This displays
a cascading pull-down menu containing the different data formats. Click
on Samples from Marker.
Options Select Marker Display (ALT,
O, K).
Press ENTER. This displays a cascading pull-down menu containing the different
data formats. Use the ↑ and ↓ cursor control keys to highlight
Samples from Marker. Press ENTER.
When the samples from marker format is selected, the marker display field will show XXXXX SMP(TM), where XXXXX is the number of samples in the section of waveform bound by the cursor and time marker.
Note that the time marker must be enabled for display with this format.
If the cursor is positioned directly on top of the time marker, the live display field shows zero (no samples).
It is possible to see a negative samples value in the marker display field for this format. This occurs when the cursor is moved to a point on the waveform left of the time marker.