Importing Data in Real Time From Your Data Acquisition Device

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Importing Data in Real Time From Your Data Acquisition Device

1. Open WinDaq Acquisition for your device.


2. Click on View > Add-ons > WinDaq/XL in WinDaq Acquisition Software (Version 3.16 or better only). This will open Microsoft Excel and the WinDaq/XL toolbar.


3.  In WinDaq/XL, click on the Start button. This opens the WINDAQ-XL dialog box.



4.  Click on the Device Settings Tab then select the device from which you will be recording.


5. Click on the Import Options Tab for import options. For all import options please refer to Import Options.




6. To set Trigger options click on the Trigger Options Tab. See Trigger Options for detailed information regarding triggered conditions.




7. Once you have finished entering the desired information for your application, press the Start Import button to execute the program.


Data is entered into the Excel spreadsheet in the order the instrument reports data to your PC. Each column in Excel represents a channel enabled in the WinDaq Acquisition Software and is entered into the spreadsheet in succession. For example, if the first 16 channels of a device are activated and the Starting Cell box is A2 (column A, channel 2), the data for channel 1 is in column A, channel 2's data is in column B, etc. This is completely independent of the data display. For example, if channel 7 is displayed in window 1, the channel 7 data will still stream to column G and the column 1 data will be in column A. The first cell for each channel displays the significant engineering units that channel was calibrated for. See Calibration in the WinDaq Acquisition Help File for more information.


To stream data in multiple instances (devices) you must run WinDaq with the first device then start WinDaq/XL; run WinDaq with the second device then start WinDaq/XL; etc.


See also Cell entry must be completed or WinDaq/XL will STOP! for an important note regarding the import of data from WinDaq Acquisition software.

