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DATAQ Instruments Application Notes and News

The DI-2108 vs. the DI-2108-P

At first glance, it would appear that the DI-2108 and the DI-2108-P are one and the same. Both the DI-2108 and the DI-2108-P do feature ±10V full scale measurement ranges, and include 7 digital ports, with dedicated Rate and Count inputs. In addition both are in 6.68″W × 3.28″D × 1.13″H polycarbonate ABS enclosures, and Read More

GL860 Channel Expansion

Programmable as analog voltage, thermocouple or RTD inputs, the GL860 can accommodate up to 200 total channels. Channel expansion (beyond 30 channels) is achieved using B-566 terminal bases, some combination of B-563, B-563SL, B-565 or B-563SL-30 input terminals and an extension terminal cable. It’s important to remember that the GL860 base unit does not include Read More

How to Insert Remote ‘Event Markers’ in WinDaq

Often, when acquiring data for later analysis, an event occurs that directly impacts the information being collected. In this post, we’ll show you how to insert “event markers” in a file. Event markers allowing you to mark the instant (date/time) at which a particular event occurred. Enabling the Digital Channel To insert event marks, you’ll Read More

Help Us Troubleshoot by Creating a dashboard.log File

The majority of the time, technicians and engineers at DATAQ Instruments can resolve any communication issue that you may have with your contemporary DATAQ data logger (i.e. DI-1100, DI-2108, DI-4×08, etc.), in short order. Sometime, however, more advanced troubleshooting techniques are required. Creating a dashboard.log file, and forwarding that file to our support staff, provides Read More

Python and Pandas in Excel

As you may know, Python is a popular high-level programming language, used by professional data analysts and novices alike. Pandas is a data analysis library, or set of tools that can be used inside of Python. The Pandas tools allow for quick and intuitive analysis of a dataset. Adding Python (and Pandas) to Microsoft Excel, Read More

Using the ‘Advanced Trigger ExcelLink’ Add-on to Stream Data into Excel

One of the most recognizable spreadsheet applications in the world, Microsoft Excel allows you to manipulate data, perform calculations and create custom graphs & charts. For many years, our WinDaq/XL bridging software has been the ultimate solution for customers interested in streaming data, in real time, directly into an Excel spreadsheet. Once there, users could take Read More

How to Acquire Pressure Data Using a 4-20mA Pressure Transmitter

As mentioned in an earlier post, acquiring pressure data is a common and important data acquisition application. Whether you’re dealing with air, fuel or water, pressure data can be an invaluable decision-making resource. In this application note, we’ll demonstrate the ease with which you can acquire pressure data using a 0-100 psig 4-20 mA pressure Read More

WinDaq/XL and Graphics Acceleration Crashing WinDaq

It has come to our attention that a graphics setting in Microsoft Excel can cause our WinDaq data acquisition software to crash (freeze), and significantly slow down your PC when running the WinDaq/XL real-time bridging software. Fortunately, there’s a simple solution that involves disabling graphics acceleration. We’ll show you how! Disabling Hardware Graphics Acceleration in Read More

How to Determine the ‘Status’ of Your Data Logger in Stand-alone Mode (Out of Sight)

This blog post assumes that you have the latest firmware installed on your DI-2000 or DI-4000 series instrument. For instructions on downloading and installing the latest firmware, go to All DI-2000 and DI-4000 series data loggers feature a multi-color LED, indicating the device status when recording data in stand-alone mode (to a USB flash Read More

Enable/Disable Universal (UTC) Time in Stand-Alone Mode

This blog post applies to data loggers using firmware version 1.39 or later. The option to unselect ‘Display UTC time’ is not available for loggers using firmware version 1.38 or earlier. To update your firmware to version 1.39 or later, follow the instructions at: While Universal (UTC) time is a helpful tool when it Read More