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Reset the WinDaq Header to Clear Up ‘Illegal Header Value’ Errors


From time to time, when opening a data file in the WinDaq Waveform Browser, you may see a pop-up message indicating that that there is an illegal header value, some number of bytes from the start of the file. Often times, this is the result of a faulty configuration parameter (scaling, memory configuration, etc.).

To work around these issues, you can reset the WinDaq header (returning to the default header configuration) and then reconfigure the device as you normally would.

How to Reset the WinDaq Header

Right-click on the WinDaq Dashboard shortcut, choose ‘Properties’ and add sendcommand to the end of WinDaq Dashboard ‘Target:’ line (as shown below).

With sendcommand added to the ‘Target:’ line, click ‘Apply’ and ‘OK’.

Next, run the WinDaq Dashboard, select your device and choose ‘Send Command’ from the ‘Configure’ pull-down menu (Configure>>Send Command).

In the Send Data dialog box, type “eeinit WINDAQ” (as shown below).

Finally, click the ‘Send’ button to reset the WinDaq header.

With the WinDaq header reset, reconfigure the device as you normally would, and record some data.


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