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Category Archives: Data Acquisition

Data Acquisition products and software and how to use them.

How Much ADC Resolution Do You Really Need?

Data Acquisition or Data Logger You just bought a data logger or data acquisition system with a 14-bit ADC (analog-to-digital converter.) What exactly does that mean? Could you have gotten away with a 12-bit product? A 10-bit? Did you gaffe and really need a 16-bit data logger? You know that a higher “bit” number is Read More

Strain Gage-Based Transducer and Amplifier Selection and Calibration

Data Acquisition > Mixed Measurements When choosing a strain gage-based transducer/amplifier combination to acquire data such as force, load, pressure or torque, there are a several important considerations to keep in mind. In addition to measurement range you must consider the sensitivity of the transducer and amplifier as well as the required excitation (supply) voltage. Read More

How To Calibrate Strain Gage-Based Transducers Using DI-5B38 Strain Amplifiers

Data Acquisition > Mixed Measurements The proper calibration of strain gage-based transducers can be a tricky exercise. You need to consider the gage factor of the transducer (GT), the gage factor of the amplifier module (GA), excitation voltage requirements and gain. With this information at hand, you can accurately measure psi, microstrain, lbs or any Read More

Connection and Calibration of Strain-Gage Based Transducers Using DI-8B38 Series Amplifiers

Data Acquisition > Mixed Measurements This application note demonstrates the proper connection and calibration of a strain-gage based transducer connected to a DI-8B38 series amplifier. For this example we’ll use a strain-gage based pressure transducer with a 10,000 PSI capacity, an excitation (supply voltage) requirement of 10V and a gage factor (output) of 2mV/V. We’ll Read More

DAQ Helps Determine Satellite Radio Up Time

Data Acquisition > Voltage > DI-720 Who Stopped the Music? You hear it all the time. It’s called background music, those ubiquitous melodies that soothe your subconscious as you browse your way through a department store. The store pays a service provider to transmit the music via radio link to a store-maintained receiver where it’s Read More

WinDaq Monitors Power Quality for an Electric Utility

Data Acquisition > Software > WinDaq WinDaq Data Acquisition Software and the DI-400 Monitor Power Quality for an Electric Utility Power utilities need to continuously monitor the quality of the electric power they generate. For one utility, this activity was performed by an array of strip chart recorders. Technology had moved on, however, and the Read More

Export-to-Excel Add-on Beta for WinDaq Waveform Browsers

Data Acquisition > Software > WinDaq Ask customers what they want to do with acquired data, and the vast majority answer, “Take it to Excel.” Although our WinDaq Playback software has always supported an Excel-compatible CSV export option, the process was cumbersome and not very flexible. We fixed that. DATAQ Instruments is proud to announce Read More

How To Make 4-20 mA Current Loop Measurements

Data Acquisition > Current Additional Reading: 4-20 mA Shunt Resistor and Current Loop Data Acquisition Products It seems that at least one 4-20 mA (milliamp) measurement is required by our typical customer, and the way to do it is a constant source of confusion for many. So I thought I’d zero in on the various Read More

Performing a Periodic Reset of the Integral Function in Advanced CODAS

Data Acquisition > Software > WinDaq > Advanced CODAS When integrating a waveform using Advanced CODAS, the Periodic Reset feature allows you to reset the integral function after a user-specified period of time (number of data points). In this example, featuring the new Advanced CODAS user interface (in beta), we’ll integrate a flow rate waveform Read More

Displaying Digital Inputs in WinDaq

Data Acquisition > Software > WinDaq It’s come to our attention that there’s some confusion when it comes to enabling a digital channel and displaying digital input in WinDaq Data Acquisition Software. In this example, we’ll enable a digital channel, and show how digital inputs are displayed.  Follow Us