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Category Archives: Data Logger

Data logger products and how to use them.

The DI-160 Event, State and Count Data Logger

Data Logger > Event, State, Count > DI-160 Check out our demonstration of the DATAQ Instruments DI-160 Event, State and Count data logger!  Follow Us

How To Eliminate Noise in Data Logger and Data Acquisition Measurements

Data Acquisition > Products or Data Logger > Products (Note: This is a consolidated version of a six-part series on signal noise reduction in data logger and data acquisition systems.) This happens almost daily: A customer contacts our support group to complain of noise on his measurement. Almost invariably a comparison is made between the Read More

How To Eliminate Noise in Data Logger and Data Acquisition Measurements (Part 6 of 6)

Data Acquisition > Products or Data Logger > Products (Note: A consolidated version of this topic that contains all six part can be found here) Common Mode Voltages and Non-isolated Instruments You’ve arrived at part six of this series because you have noise on one or more acquired analog channels. Using procedures described in Part Read More

How To Eliminate Noise in Data Logging and Data Acquisition Measurements (Part 5 of 6)

Data Acquisition > Products or Data Logger > Products (Note: A consolidated version of this topic that contains all six part can be found here) Proper Shielding Techniques We’ve established that isolation amplifiers do not perform well in the presence of large, high frequency common-mode voltages. Now we’ll focus on eliminating high level, high frequency Read More

How To Eliminate Noise in Data Logging and Data Acquisition Measurements (Part 4 of 6)

Data Acquisition > Products or Data Logger > Products (Note: A consolidated version of this topic that contains all six part can be found here) Common Mode Rejection Ration (CMRR) We’ve touched on common mode voltage and how its magnitude and frequency can degrade the performance of an isolation amplifier. Now we’ll discuss the differential Read More

How To Eliminate Noise in Data Logger and Data Acquisition Measurements (Part 3 of 6)

Data Acquisition > Products or Data Logger > Products (Note: A consolidated version of this topic that contains all six part can be found here) Effects of Common Mode Voltage Frequency We’ve covered evaluating noise magnitude to see if noise elimination is worth the time and effort, and a procedure to test the instrument for Read More

How To Eliminate Noise in Data Logger and Data Acquisition Measurements (Part 2 of 6)

Data Acquisition > Products or Data Logger > Products (Note: A consolidated version of this topic that contains all six part can be found here) Common Mode Voltages and Isolated Instruments In the premier edition of this series I talked about how you should initially approach noise elimination. The first step is to ensure that Read More

How To Eliminate Noise in Data Logger and Data Acquisition Measurements (Part 1 of 6)

Data Acquisition > Products or Data Logger > Products (Note: A consolidated version of this topic that contains all six part can be found here) This happens almost daily: A customer contacts our support group to complain of noise on his measurement. Almost invariably a comparison is made between the output of his PC-based product Read More

How To Put Signal Noise Into Perspective

Data Acquisition > Software > WinDaq A customer contacted our support group the other day to complain about noise on his load cell signal and asking for the best way to remove it. We’ve seen this movie before and asked for a sample in the form of a recorded WinDaq data file so we could Read More

Hooking COM Ports: Terminal Emulators

Data Acquisition > USB In my previous post about hooking COM ports I described how it’s achieved and why a manufacturer might want to do it. I hinted that a particular advantage of an instrument that hooks a COM port is to allow simple communication using a terminal emulator. Briefly, a terminal emulator is software Read More