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Filter Out High Frequency Noise Using the Moving Average Feature in Advanced CODAS


The Moving Average function in Advanced CODAS allows you to filter out high frequency noise from lower frequency periodic waveforms (a Low-pass filter) or eliminate a drifting baseline when acquiring high frequency waveforms (a High-pass filter).

In this example, featuring the new Advanced CODAS GUI, we’ll demonstrate how the Moving Average function is used to remove high frequency noise from a lower frequency periodic waveform.


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    Sushmita Purkayastha
    Posted October 13, 2017 at 12:32 pm Permalink

    Is there way to obtain moving average of wave form without using a high or a low pass filter. In the CODAS, it seems that I have to use either one of the filters to obtain moving average. I run transfer function analysis with my data and the recommendation is not to use any filters. Thank you

    • Posted October 13, 2017 at 3:45 pm Permalink

      I suggest that you submit a support ticket here:

      Be sure to state that you use Advanced CODAS software. The short answer is that AC supports a moving average function, and moving averages are by mathematical definition also low-pass filters. So it isn’t possible to get a moving averaged result without also limiting frequency content. The MA window size defines the magnitude of filtering in direct proportion.

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