The Moving Average function in Advanced CODAS allows you to filter out high frequency noise from lower frequency periodic waveforms (a Low-pass filter) or eliminate a drifting baseline when acquiring high frequency waveforms (a High-pass filter).
In this example, featuring the new Advanced CODAS GUI, we’ll demonstrate how the Moving Average function is used to remove high frequency noise from a lower frequency periodic waveform.
Sushmita Purkayastha
Is there way to obtain moving average of wave form without using a high or a low pass filter. In the CODAS, it seems that I have to use either one of the filters to obtain moving average. I run transfer function analysis with my data and the recommendation is not to use any filters. Thank you
I suggest that you submit a support ticket here:
Be sure to state that you use Advanced CODAS software. The short answer is that AC supports a moving average function, and moving averages are by mathematical definition also low-pass filters. So it isn’t possible to get a moving averaged result without also limiting frequency content. The MA window size defines the magnitude of filtering in direct proportion.