It took the popularity of 64-bit operating systems for us to realize how popular our free conversion software had become. This utility allows you to convert your data files of a variety of different formats into the WDQ format so you can take advantage of the also free WinDaq Browser software’s review and analysis speed. The conversion utility was a 16-bit application, which meant that it would not run under a 64-bit operating system. The new 32-bit version can be run on both 32- and 64-bit operating systems.
For a 32-bit beta version of CONVERT.EXE or HiRes CONVERTH.EXE V1.37 that will run under Windows 7 64-bit, download and unzip to the directory where WWB or WWB HiRes is installed, replacing files with a similar name as well as CONVERT.TXT (08/30/2011). These programs seem to work correctly, but since they have not been tested much, use at your own risk. Please report any problems on our public support forum at:
Kyle Hill
Your program just flashes and crashes. What are you suppose to do with it exactly?
Thank you for reporting this apparent bug. We’re working on a fix.
Shawn MacDonald
Application Engineer
DATAQ Instruments Inc.