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WinDaq/XL Real-time Bridging Software


WinDaq/XL is real-time bridging software that allows users to stream data from WinDaq data acquisition software or the WinDaq Waveform Browser, into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Once there, users can take full advantage of Excels exceptional ability to perform calculations and chart data.

Since it’s initial release several years ago, features have been added to WinDaq/XL, and the data storage capacity of Microsoft Excel has expanded from 65,536 rows, to well over a million.

A ‘High Speed’ option in WinDaq/XL now allows data to be buffered for high speed data acquisition, and the time/date stamp is fully customizable.

WinDaq/XL Real-time Bridging Software

See our multimedia presentation demonstrating the power of the WinDaq/XL add-on!


Additional Reading:

WinDaq Data Acquisition Software-to-Excel Real Time Link

Getting Started With WinDaq/XL


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