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New High Voltage Module for GL7000 Data Acquisition System


New GL7-HV Module Measures 2V to 1000V

GL7-HV High Voltage Module for GL7000 Data Acquisition SystemCheckout our latest module release for the GL7000 Data Acquisition and Data Logger System. The new GL7-HV offers two high-voltage measurement channels. It has a measurement range of 2 V to 1000 V full scale across 9 programmable settings, and supports sample intervals of 1 μS to 1 hour across 24 programmable settings. Record up to 2,000,000 data samples directly to on-board RAM. The modular construction inherent in the GL7000 design makes adding this module to an already-existing GL7000 system a snap.

The GL7000 Data Acquisition System

Model GL7000 is a multi-function data logger and data acquisition system whose modular construction and available amplifier modules provide the capability to address any industrial measurement application.

Learn more about the GL7000 Data Acquisition System


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