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New Engineering Units Settings Dialog Box Availability


We apologize for the delay getting the beta of our new Engineering Units scaling approach out to those who have agreed to test it. Those customers should expect an email from us by early next week if not sooner.

We drastically underestimated the amount of internal debate that accrued from how to best support the scaling offset control. After getting together one last time to either agree or drop the feature entirely, we finally arrived at an approach that everyone involved either liked or could live with.

The problem with much of the definition process for new dialog boxes is that our customer base has changed over the years. Especially with the introduction of our low cost data acquisition starter kits, many of our customers are using data acquisition products for the first time. As such, it’s very easy to assume too much, confuse a great number of customers, and compound our technical support efforts as a result. So, sessions where we design new dialog boxes turn lively as engineering wants the content to be technically correct, tech support wants it understandable, and marketing just wants it done.


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 Categories: Data Acquisition, Data Logger, WinDaq Data Acquisition Software


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