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GL840 Firmware Upgrade Offers New Features

GL840 Series midi Data logger

GL840 Series midi Data logger

Graphtec just released a new firmware package (v132) for model GL840 data loggers that provides at least one long-desired feature.

New FTP Feature Supports CSV File Format

Current versions of the instrument support an automatic backup feature over FTP, allowing the instrument to operate completely autonomously. With it you can define a set of start trigger conditions, and a complementary and different set of stop conditions. When executed, the instrument stays dormant until the start trigger is satisfied to being recording data. This condition persists until the stop trigger condition is detected, at which point the instrument stops logging. The feature is further enhanced by a trigger auto-rearm option, allowing the instrument to repeat the start/stop cycle indefinitely.

Following any start/stop cycle the instrument contains a data file that many customers opt to have the logger automatically upload to an FTP file server. Doing so allows the instrument to operate without human intervention, even in remote locations, for extended periods of time while still making data available for review from a shared server. The problem with this approach is that the FTP upload feature supported only the Graphtec Binary Data (GBD) file format. Since the vast majority of GL840 users prefer the ASCII CSV (comma-separated variable) format, this restriction was a disappointment. This firmware update removes that restriction and allows data stored via FTP to be in either the GBD or CSV formats.

Other Enhancements:

Google Chrome Support

Until now, the GL840’s built-in web server supported only Firefox and Microsoft web browsers. Firmware v132 extends web browser support to the popular Chrome browser

Enhanced Wireless LAN Reliability

This upgrade also improves the stability of of the GL840’s wireless LAN during FTP transfers.

How Can You Get it?

Easy. Click here to automatically download the new firmware image, along with detailed installation instructions for MACs and PCs.




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