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New High Accuracy Wireless EL-WiFi Data Loggers Now Available


Higher Accuracy Wireless Data Loggers (EL-WiFi) from Lascar Available Immediately

EL-WiFi-T+ high accuracy wireless temperature data loggers EL-WiFi-TH+ high accuracy wireless temperature and humidity data loggers EL-WiFi-TP+ high accuracy wireless temperature data loggers with probe
Measures Ambient Temperature
-20 to +60°C (-4 to +140°F)
Measures Ambient Temperature/RH
-20 to +60°C (-4 to +140°F) /0 to 100%RH
Measures Temperature with Probe
-40 to +125°C (-40 to +257°F)

DATAQ Instruments is proud to announce the release of three new wireless data loggers in the popular EL-WiFi series from Lascar Electronics. EL-WiFi series products allow you to seamlessly upload memory to a host PC via a wifi router at programmable intervals. Product features include 802.11b-compliant wireless communications, programmable high and low alarms, automatic time and date stamping, multiple programmable recording options, a built-in display for current, min/max, and alarm states, and free export and review software.

The EL-WiFi-T+, EL-WiFi-TH+, and EL-WiFi-TP+ all provide much higher accuracy and resolution than their counterparts the EL-WiFi-T, EL-WiFi-TH, and EL-WiFi-TP.

EL-WiFi-T and EL-WiFi-T+ (go to product page)

Model Resolution (Temp) Accuracy (Temp) Price
EL-WiFi-T ±0.1°C ±1.0°C $150
NEW El-WiFi-T+ ±0.01°C ±0.1°C $250

EL-WiFi-TH and EL-WiFi-TH+ (go to product page)

Model Resolution (Temp/RH) Accuracy (Temp/RH) Price
EL-WiFi-TH ±0.5°C/1%RH ±1.0°C/3%RH $185
NEW El-WiFi-TH+ ±0.01°C/0.1%RH ±0.2°C/1.8%RH $250

EL-WiFi-TP and EL-WiFi-TP+ (go to product page)

Model Resolution (Temp) Accuracy (Temp) Price
EL-WiFi-TP ±0.1°C ±1.0°C $150
NEW El-WiFi-TP+ ±0.01°C ±0.1°C $250

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 Categories: New Products, Temperature and Humidity Data Loggers, Wireless Data Loggers

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