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DATAQ Instruments Application Notes and News

Retrieve and Share Stand Alone Configuration Files

Whether you simply want to transfer stand-alone settings from one data logger to another, or you’re troubleshooting a recording issue, it’s sometimes helpful to be able to retrieve your stand-alone setup configuration. In this application note, I’ll show you how to do just that. In addition, we’ll take that stand-alone configuration, and transfer the setup Read More

Reset the WinDaq Header to Clear Up ‘Illegal Header Value’ Errors

From time to time, when opening a data file in the WinDaq Waveform Browser, you may see a pop-up message indicating that that there is an illegal header value, some number of bytes from the start of the file. Often times, this is the result of a faulty configuration parameter (scaling, memory configuration, etc.). To Read More

Using a Low-Pass Filter to Clean Up Noisy Signals

Often, you’ll need to acquire signals at very high sample rates. Higher sample rates allow you to capture voltage transients, or events that occur in a very short period of time. And since all channels in WinDaq are sampled at the same rate, you might get the results you’re looking for on some channels, and Read More

Using the Time Marker and Cursor for Data Analysis

When acquiring and analyzing data, it’s often useful to isolate a particular event, or area of interest. When dealing with very large data files, containing days, weeks or even months of data, this may seem like a daunting task. In this application note, we’ll demonstrate the ability in the WinDaq Waveform Browser, using the ‘Time Read More

Stand-alone Data Acquisition and Flash Memory

For years, DATAQ has offered a number of different flash memory solutions for stand-alone data acquisition. Beginning with standard 2GB max capacity SD-style cards for older DI-710/718 series data loggers, progressing to the 32 GB thumb-style USB drives, included with contemporary DI-2000 and DI-4000 series instruments. With maximum sample rates on the order of 14.4 Read More

Convert and Combine WinDaq Files in Microsoft Excel Format

Getting data into Microsoft Excel format is one of the most common customer requests. Often times customers are dealing with numerous data files, and the prospect of manually converting those files, one-by-one, into .CSV format. Fortunately, the software engineering team here at DATAQ has a solution! In conjunction with the WINDH32.EXE (WinDaq Waveform Browser), the Read More

A Meter Display for WinDaq Data Acquisition Software

The question often arises, “Is there a way to display the actual values in WinDaq?”. While real-time numerical data is displayed in WinDaq data acquisition software along with a real-time graph, some customers might prefer to display data in a larger “meter-style” graphical format. Fortunately, there’s a WinDaq add-on that allows you to do just Read More

Measuring Wind Speed Using an Anemometer with a 4-20mA Output and a DI-2108-P Data Logger

One of the most common measurements in data acquisition is that of 4-20mA analog signals. Not only are 0-20mA and 4-20mA process current measurements extremely common in industrial settings, but a significant number of flow, pressure and rate sensors also feature 4-20mA outputs. Why Choose a 4-20mA Output? Additional Reading:4-20 mA Shunt Resistor and Current Read More

Stand-Alone Date/Time Stamps in Microsoft Excel

A critical component of data acquisition, date/time stamps allow you to determine the status of your device under test at a particular instant in time. How that date/time stamp is displayed, and the precision (to the nearest tenth or hundredth of a second) can be quite subjective. Some like to see the date first (mm/dd/yyyy), Read More

Making Pressure Measurements with the DI-1100 Starter Kit

As discussed in a previous post, acquiring pressure data for review and analysis is a common and important data acquisition application. In this application note, we’ll demonstrate the ease with which pressure data can be displayed, archived and analyzed on the cheap using DATAQ Instruments model DI-1100 starter kit, WinDaq data acquisition software and the Read More