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DATAQ Instruments Application Notes and News

DI- Device Quit! Now What?

Well, that’ll ruin your day. One moment everything is going along swimmingly with WinDaq acquiring, displaying, and recording data. The next moment you’re greeted with a message like this: What’s Going On? While it’s possible that your data acquisition device or it’s connected USB cable suffered a failure, the more likely culprit is your computer’s Read More

How To Update Your DI-1100, DI-1110, DI-2108, DI-2108-P, DI-2160, DI-4108, DI-4208 or DI-4718B Firmware

Supported Instruments This post applies to the following data acquisition products DI-1100; DI-2108; DI-2108-P; DI-2160; DI-4108; DI-4208; DI-4718B; DI-4730 On occasion, especially if it’s been a while since you purchased your data logger, it may be necessary to update the firmware (low-level software embedded inside of the data logger). This article includes instructions on checking the current Read More

New WinDaq Dashboard

You asked for… …a quick way to view all WinDaq-compatible instruments connected to your PC. …an easy way to run multiple instruments as independent WinDaq applications. …a simplified approach to acquire ChannelStretch™ -compatible instruments to one WinDaq application. You asked, and we delivered. Introducing the WinDaq Dashboard Our new WinDaq Dashboard delivers ease-of-use and simplicity. It Read More

DI-1100 Firmware Update

What’s The Problem? In the process of consolidating the firmware of various devices we inadvertently shipped some model DI-1100 USB data acquisition instruments with a defect that causes the instrument to sample at half the expected rate. For example, an instrument programmed to sample at 100 Hz will actually sample at 50 Hz. Is Your DI-1100 Read More

USB DAQ Products Support LibUSB and CDC

The native communication mode of most of our newer USB data acquisition (USB DAQ) products is LibUSB, a cross-platform standard that supports many USB products. LibUSB is supported out-of-the-box by our WinDaq data acquisition and .Net class software that is included with the hardware, so there’s little need to change USB modes. However, for those Read More

DI-4108 USB DAQ Product Preview

Continuing to fill our new product pipeline with state-of-the-art USB data acquisition products, DATAQ Instruments announces model DI-4108. The 4108 complements the previously announced model DI-4208. Both products are identical except for measurement range, and both support DATAQ Instruments’ new ChannelStretch™ technology to provide seamless channel expansion to a limit of 128 analog and 112 Read More

DI-4208 USB DAQ Product Preview

DATAQ Instruments previews its new model DI-4208 USB data acquisition system (DAQ) slated for release in August, 2017. This new instrument reinforces DATAQ Instruments’ extensive line of USB data acquisition (USB DAQ) products to offer easy channel expansion and measurements up to 100 Volts full scale. Features at a glance: Eight armored analog differential inputs Programmable Read More

DI-2008 Firmware Updates

Periodic firmware updates for the DI-2008 voltage and thermocouple data logger will include bug fixes, performances improvements and/or feature additions. Click here to download the latest firmware revision. To update the firmware: 1. Start with the DI-2008 disconnected from your PC 2. Hold down the push button on the side of the DI-2008, and connect Read More

Using Data Acquisition Products to Test Hydraulic Actuators

Note: The DI-740 mentioned below is now obsolete. Consider instead the DI-808 or DI-2008. Both the DI-808 and DI-2008 include a 15VDC excitation supply, feature eight differential and isolated analog input channels, and programmable measurement ranges up to ±50V full scale.  It’s a critical constraint that demands a critical measurement: Your control signal says “NOW!” to a hydraulic actuator. How Read More

DI-808 Firmware Updates

Periodic firmware updates for the DI-808 web-based data logger will include bug fixes, performances improvements and/or feature additions. You can download the latest revision of the DI-808 firmware at: To update your DI-808 firmware: 1. Locate a USB drive, ensuring that it is does not have any user files on its root. Any folders Read More