Programmable as analog voltage, thermocouple or RTD inputs, the GL860 can accommodate up to 200 total channels. Channel expansion (beyond 30 channels) is achieved using B-566 terminal bases, some combination of B-563, B-563SL, B-565 or B-563SL-30 input terminals and an extension terminal cable.
It’s important to remember that the GL860 base unit does not include an input terminal. At least one 20-channel input terminal (sold separately) is required.
While a single input terminal will mount directly on top of the GL860 (as shown below), connecting two or more input terminal will require terminal bases and an extension terminal cable.

To connect two input terminals to the GL860, you would connect each terminal to a terminal base (part #B-566). Those terminal bases would then snap together and connect to the GL860 via an extension terminal cable (as shown below). The cables are available in 50 cm (part #B-567-05) and 2 meter (B-567-20) lengths.