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WinDaq/XL Troubleshooting Guide

Error Fix
Device not in the WinDaq Device List
Some products may not appear in the WinDaq Device list when starting WinDaq/XL from Microsoft Excel
Close Microsoft Excel and start WinDaq/XL from WinDaq Acquisition software. Click on View > Add-ons > WinDaq/XL. Microsoft Excel will open a new instance. Click on the Start button for WinDaq/XL and your device should be in the list.
When attempting to start WinDaq/XL from the WinDaq Acquisition program (by selecting View>>Add-ons>>WinDaqXL), Excel opens with a box that says WinDaq/XL is not installed. First check that WinDaq/XL is Activated in Excel:
If WinDaq/XL is Activated, this screen can also appear if WinDaq/XL was closed without using the Stop button.  This bug is fixed with version 1.59.  Update to the latest version here:
Compile Error in Hidden Module: This Workbook followed by Unspecified Automation Error See:
Compile error in hidden module: Module2
Errors appears twice when opening and closing Excel, and the tool-bar never appears in the Add-Ins.
This error happens when using Excel 2010 installed in 64-bit mode. To check your version of Excel, in Windows 7 go to File >> Help and look at the version number. If your version number is followed by (64-bit), then it is NOT compatible with WinDaq/XL. Uncheck WinDaq/XL in the Add-ons menu to stop the error from happening.

If you still want to run WinDaq/XL, you will need to re-install Excel 2010 as the default 32-bit version.
Compile Error in Hidden Module: This Workbook (When doing a NEW WinDaq/XL Installation)
Error appears after enabling WinDaq/XL in the add-ins.
After a recent Windows update, Windows Common Control-based embedded ActiveX controls may fail to load within pre-existing Office documents, within third-party add-ins, and when you insert new controls in developer mode.

There is a fixit available for this problem:
Office 2010 w SP1 -
Office 2007 w SP2 or SP3 -
Office 2003 w SP3 or Office 2003 Web Components w SP3 -
Compile Error in Hidden Module: This Workbook (When updating from a previous version of WinDaq/XL)
Error appears when you open and close Excel after enabling WinDaq/XL in the add-ins.
This error is caused by having an older version of the Windaq/XL software, and the old .exd files generate the error when the new WinDaq/XL is installed.

It is necessary to do an Advanced Search to find the .exd files. Include in your search non-indexed, hidden, and system files.

Delete all the .exd files, and then re-open Excel.

Below is the list of .exd files created by WinDaq/XL that need to be deleted, some of the files may appear in multiple folders:
Run-time error 380 can happen due to a problem with the settings in WinDaq/XL. Open the C:\WindaqXL folder and delete the windaqxl.ini file. This file holds the settings, so your settings will be back to the default the next time you open Windaq/XL. A new .ini file will be created upon closing.