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Uninstallation of WinDaq/XL

  1. Search for all files named "windaqxl.xla" using Windows' Search Utility (click on Start menu and choose Search > For Files or Folders).

  2. Delete all found instances of "windaqxl.xla" by highlighting the file and pressing the delete key.
  3. Launch Microsoft Excel. Excel should complain about not finding "windaqxl.xla" - if it doesn't you haven't deleted them all - go back to step 1 and make sure all instances of "windaqxl.xla" are deleted.
  4. In Microsoft Excel click on Addins in the Tools menu.
  5. Scroll down to WinDaq/XL and un-check it.
  6. You will receive the following error message. Click the Yes button to continue with un-installation.

  7. In Excel click on Customize in the Tools menu. Click on the Toolbars Tab.

  8. Highlight WinDaq-XL and click the Delete button. This will completely remove WinDaq/XL software. Exit Microsoft Excel.

You can now reinstall WinDaq/XL.