WinDaq Data Acquisition Software
For DI-720, DI-730, DI-740, DI-750, DI-760, DI-785, and DI-788 Instruments
To download the correct version of WinDaq/Pro, WinDaq/Pro+, or WinDaq/Lite recording software for your instrument you must first select the communications interface the instrument is using.
Ethernet |
Parallel (Printer) Port |
Note: Be sure to completely UNINSTALL WinDaq software before installing this upgrade.
Please Note: WinDaq Pro and Pro+ passwords allow you to download and install the latest version of the software for one year (from the date of purchase). After one year, you must purchase an upgrade ($200) in order to install the latest version. See below to order a WinDaq/Pro or WinDaq/Pro+ password or upgrade.
Purchase WinDaq/Pro, WinDaq/Pro+, or Upgrade your Software

WinDaq Data Acquisition software unlock code includes a CD (shipping charges apply). Allows you to record at speeds up to 150kHz throughput.

WinDaq Data Acquisition software unlock code on CD (shipping charges apply). Allows you to record at speeds up to 150kHz throughput and record different channels at different rates.

Upgrade to the latest version of WinDaq/Pro+. For registered users of WinDaq/Pro+ ONLY. CD will be shipped - shipping charges apply.

Upgrade to the latest version of WinDaq with the latest unlock code. For registered users of WinDaq/Pro+ ONLY. No CD will be shipped. Unlock code ONLY. Please allow at least one business day for processing.

Upgrade to the latest version of WinDaq with the latest unlock code. For registered users of WinDaq/Pro ONLY. CD will be shipped - shipping charges apply.

Upgrade to the latest version of WinDaq with the latest unlock code. For registered users of WinDaq/Pro ONLY. No CD will be shipped. Unlock code ONLY. Please allow at least one business day for processing.