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Window Trigger of WinDaq ExcelLink

WinDaq ExcelLink bridges WinDaq software with Microsoft Excel. Using WinDaq ExcelLink will allow you to use Excel to analyze WinDaq data in real time by taking WinDaq waveform data and moving it directly to a user-selected range of cells in Excel.

Even though today's Excel can store over 1,000,000 rows of data, it is still a small buffer for high speed data aquisition unless trigger modes are utilized so that only data of interests is captured. ExcelLink supports advanced math to construct various trigger methods and every data point in WinDaq is examed when evaluating the trigger conditions. Here Window Trigger method will be discussed.


Window trigger sets up two trigger conditions, one for start, another for stop, and it doesn't require the data crossing this conditions, or a FALSE to TRUE transition for the trigger condition.

For example, with begin with (CH1<1)&(CH1>-1) until (CH1>2)|(CH1<-2), data will start to stream to Excel when the reading of first channel is within the range of -1 and +1, and data will continue to stream to Excel until the reading from first channel is outside of the range of -2 to +2



You need to monitor the operation of a furnace, but you don't want to record data during the heating and cooling period, just the working period. To do that, you can set up to begin with CH1>200, and stop at CH1<200, so that it won't stream data to Excel until reading of thermocouple is higher than 200F, and it will stop sending data when the temperature falls below 200F.

