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WinDaq ExcelLink

WinDaq-to-Excel Real Time Link with Powerful Trigger Methods

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  • For compatible instruments, please click here
  • Supports both 32- and 64-bit version of Microsoft Excel
  • For WinDaq Waveform Browser ExcelLink, please visit here
  • Supports channel expansion in ChannelStretch operation
  • High speed (up to 160K s/s) real time data logging directly to Microsoft Excel
  • Powerful trigger methods includes
  • Use Excel Template to perform analysis and add time stamps automatically
  • Capable of recording to both Excel and WinDaq files simultaneously
  • No programming needed
  • The license stays with the instrument, so you can use the instrument at any PC to stream data to Excel
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WinDaq Excel Link


Time is money, why export/import data file for Excel? WinDaq ExcelLink provides real-time conection to Excel spreadsheet and can stream data to Excel spreadsheet at high speed.

Even though Excel can store over 1,000,000 rows of data, it is still a small buffer for high speed data aquisition unless trigger modes are utilized so that only data of interests is captured. ExcelLink supports advanced math to construct various trigger methods and every data point in WinDaq is examed when evaluating the trigger conditions. Window Trigger can capture signals inside or outside a range within two predefined start/stop conditions. Slope Trigger with pre- and post- trigger can capture signals before and after a predefined trigger point. Event trigger can capture signals at the moment trigger conditions are met. Derivative Trigger can capture rate of change, or glitch. Paced Trigger capture data at predefined interval. Delayed Trigger can capture data at a predefined time after the trigger condition is met. Manual Trigger can capture signals at operator's key instruction.

ExcelLink and Python in Excel open door to many possibilities


Related Software


Data Acquisition Recording and Playback Software

Included FREE with your Dataq Hardware purchase. Installs drivers and WinDaq recording and playback software. Includes optional Add-on software with a valid installation key.

WinDaq Data Acquisition Software


Software Requirements: WinDaq Data Acquisition and any version of Excel (32- or 64-bit)
OS supported Any version of Windows that supports WinDaq acquisition software
Supported Instruments DI-2108, DI-2108P, DI-2008, DI-4108, DI-4208, DI-4718B and DI-4730
Performance Multiple factors, such as computer's performance (number of CPUs, CPU architecture, and clock rate), internal memory (RAM) size, instrument data rate and the complexity of the trigger conditions, determines Excel Link performance.

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Compatible Products

WinDaq/ExcelLink is compatible with the following hardware products


Great Excel AddIn
5 out of 5 stars
Product Reviewed: Windaq Excel Link (unverified)
This is the best and easiest Excel add in for DATAQ. It works with 64bit and 32bit systems, and is really flexible for starting and stopping recording based on changing signals. Well worth the money. Thanks DATAQ
This product was reviewed by Mark on 2024-03-19.