Model DI-500 and DI-510 - OBSOLETE (Please consider DI-4718B)
Industrial Data Acquisition System
- Obsolete - replaced by the DI-785 or the DI-788
- From Sensor to Results With One Product
- Features Exceptionally Rugged Packaging
- Accepts DI-5B Series Plug-In Signal Conditioning Modules
- Available in 16- or 32-Channel Models
- Built-In 250 kHz ADC and Computer Printer Port Interface
- USB and Ethernet interface options available
- 14-bit Resolution
- WinDaq Software Support
DI-500/510 and DI-750/760 Series data acquisition instruments offer a full range of solutions for demanding industrial measurements. Each instrument in the family is fully integrated to provide signal conditioned measurement types—without multiple boxes. Instruments conveniently attach to the printer port of any desktop PC. Their built-in ADC allows sample rates of one to 250,000 samples per second in either triggered or continuous data acquisition modes. Best of all, plug-in DI-5B series signal conditioners allow virtually any industrial measurement to be made with fail-safe, 600-volt input-tooutput isolation. It has never been easier to bring an instrument to a measurement site or safer to make demanding industrial measurements with more flexibility.

DI-5B amplifiers offer the convenience to mix and match modules based upon measurement function and range to meet any application requirement, from the most simple to the most complex.
Data Acquisition Recording and Playback Software
Included FREE with your Dataq Instruments hardware purchase. 240Hz maximum sample rate for most products. Owners of obsolete products may still download the latest version.

ActiveX Controls
FREE ActiveX programming solutions for Dataq Instruments products. Free sample programs available. Compatible with LabView.

WinDaq-to-Excel Real Time Link
Real-time data logging directly to Microsoft Excel (supports MS Office 2003 or higher). No programming required. Free Trial Version. Purchase full version on WinDaq/XL product page.

WinDaq Monitors and Documents Control Rod Drive Welds
Intelligent Oversampling Methods Extend Measurement Flexibility