- 8-Channel, 5B module expansion device for DI-715B, DI-720, DI-722, and DI-730 instruments
- Expands the measurement capability of DI-715B, DI-720, DI-722, and DI-730 Instruments to include virtually any isolated, industrial-type signal
- Mix and match DI-5B modules to precisely suit any application
- Powered from any 9 - 36V DC source
- Extremely small size (9 × 7.3 × 2.7 Inches)
- The DI-78B provides the same functionality but with 16 DI-8B module signal conditioned channels
- Can be stacked and secured with stacking brackets (included).
The DI-75B is an eight-channel, 5B-module expansion device for DI715B, DI-720, DI-722, and DI-730 instruments. Each DI-75B accepts up to eight high-performance, plug-in (DI-5B) signal conditioning modules, thereby expanding the measurement capability of DI-715B, DI-720, DI-722, and DI730 instruments to include virtually any isolated, industrial-type signal. Because DI-5B modules are identical in pinout and size, they can be mixed or matched in any combination. Choose from thermocouple, true rms, voltage, strain, frequency, process current, RTD, potentiometric, or DC transducer—whatever suits your application. Over 90 models available from DATAQ Instruments, Inc. address the full spectrum of industrial measurements. A clear acrylic front panel allows easy identification of all installed 5B modules.
Included stacking brackets and optional handles help to create a sturdy and convenient expandable data acquisition system.

DI-5B amplifiers offer the convenience to mix and match modules based upon measurement function and range to meet any application requirement, from the most simple to the most complex.
Data Acquisition Recording and Playback Software
Included FREE with your Dataq Instruments hardware purchase. 240Hz maximum sample rate for most products. Owners of obsolete products may still download the latest version.

ActiveX Controls
FREE ActiveX programming solutions for Dataq Instruments products. Free sample programs available. Compatible with LabView.

WinDaq-to-Excel Real Time Link
Real-time data logging directly to Microsoft Excel (supports MS Office 2003 or higher). No programming required. Free Trial Version. Purchase full version on WinDaq/XL product page.

Learn the Importance of Isolation In Four Easy Lessons
How To Choose Strain Gage-based Transducers for PC-based Data Acquisition Applications
Strain Gage-Based Transducer and Amplifier Selection and Calibration