WinDaq Add-ons and Utilities
WinDaq Acquisition software can integrate 3rd party add-ons to its functionality, which can be accessed via WinDaq's pull down menu: WinDaq->View->Add-ons. For instructions on incorporating your own add-on see our instructions page.
WinDaq XY Viewers
Live XY charting for WinDaq and WWB
Originally designed for GE Mining Division, these two XY plotting utilities are great tools for trouble shooting their mining equipments.

WinDaq ExcelLink
WinDaq-to-Excel Real Time Link
High speed (up to 160K s/s) with powerful trigger methods to capture or stream data to Excel in real time, compatible with ChannelStretch, supports both 32- and 64-bit Excel. No programming is needed.

WinDaq UtilityPack
WinDaq UtilityPack adds powerful tools to WinDaq acquisition software, such as live FFT, Spectrogram, Meter, Gauge and Smart Digital Outputs

- WinDaq SD Rescue for DI-71x instruments contributed by UltimaSerial
An application to salvage files from a corrupted data SD due to power interrupt on DI-71x instruments - WDQ2TDM File Conversion Utility
This utility uses a WinDaq data file to create a TDM header file, allowing your WinDaq file to be read by any program that supports the .tdm file format. Please Note: This utility requires Microsoft .NET. If the utility does not work you may need to install or re-install the .Net framework. Go to to install.
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